Nerf Arena Blast Patch
Youre staring at the sky on a sunny day when you notice, in the corner of your eye, a transparent squiggle floating slowly across the blue. You try and focus on it. Get the latest breaking news across the U. S. on ABCNews. com. On Sunday, North Korea detonated what they claimed to be a hydrogen bomb and the weapon test has prompted serious concern from the U. S. and allies. But what makes a. News. 117 Infinite Warfare Patch Notes All Join us on Discord WELCOME rInfiniteWarfare is a home for the Call of Duty Infinite Warfare community and a hub. Hearthstone Patch Deck Imports Exports, Card Stacking, Questing w Friends, More News Were looking for writers Learn more about the opportunity and submit an application here. Notice Innkeeper has been updated for the new patch Notice 2. Weve deployed a site update that now allows you to enter the full copy from the Hearthstone game when importing decks onto Hearth. Pwn. You no longer need to only enter the deckstring itself. Faster sharing oMobile Notice Issue with pasting decks on mobile Yong Woo says the team is aware of the issue and a workaround requires that you first copy a deck within the game, then copy the deck you want from outside of the game, and finally, you can now paste the deck you wantKing Dedede spelled as King DeDeDe in some older games is Kirbys archenemy and the main. Well we got a heroic nerf again without the few weeks notice they promised us but hey whats new with Bioware Apparently they love to lie. New Hearthstone Patch. A new patch has been deployed to the Blizzard servers Highlights of todays patch include A new feature that allows you to easily export and import decks It works with Hearth. Pwn Golden cards now stack with non goldens on deck lists. You can now Quest With Friends Ranked wins for each hero will now tally beyond 5. Golden borders for alternate heroesDeck Imports Exports. A new feature has been added to the game for deck importing and exporting. This is accomplished through copying and pasting of deck data Weve baked in support into Hearth. Pwn for the new feature, so go ahead and go crazy Share decks like youve never shared before. Nerf Arena Blast Patch' title='Nerf Arena Blast Patch' />Autumn season is here, designed specifically to reintroduce the fiery early game and expolosive action that made players fall in love with Vainglory in the first place. Drone enthusiasts take heed If you dont want to see your precious drone blasted into a million pieces, keep clear of US military installations. Official World of Warcraft 7. Patch Notes are hereDeck Imports on Deckbuilder. Quickly convert your in game list to a Hearth. Pwn deck on our Deckbuilder
Deck Exports on Deck Pages. Just look below the Mana Curve or the Deck List Play the greatest decks, easier than ever before. In Game Deck Exporting. Your Collection Your Deck Deck Heading CopyQuesting With Friends. Youre now able to complete most of your quests by fighting your friends If you just dont feel like slamming your head against ranked with a Warlock deck but dont want to reroll that 6. Just issue a Friendly Challenge to someone on your Friends list and rack up credit for nearly any quest you can receive. Last year, the Friendly Feud allowed players to complete quests when they played with a friend. You gave us a ton of positive feedback about that event, and a lot of you asked us to have Friendly Feuds more often. First Person downloads are here. Check all the latest First Person files, mods, patches, demos and betas on FilePlanet. I/514Mv80OClL.jpg' alt='Nerf Arena Blast Patch' title='Nerf Arena Blast Patch' />
We thought that was a good idea, so we took it a step further There are some minor caveats. For example, any quests that cant be completed as part of a Friendly Challenge arent eligible, such as those that require you to play vs The Innkeeper or watch a match. Most everything else is fair game though, so now youll have a reason to make friends with a recent opponent that isnt just to send them a compliment. Golden Card Stacking. Hearthstone will now automatically combine cards in deck lists when you have a golden and non golden version of a particular card. Check out the screenshot below to look at this revolutionary change that will forever clean up deck lists. I cannot thank you enough Blizzard. New Card Backs. One new card back has been added The June Seasonal reward, Might of Dalaran. Might of Dalaran. Fire Festival Tavern Brawl. Some strings point towards a new special event GAMEPLAYEMOTEHERO0. EVENTFIREFESTIVALGAMEPLAYEMOTELABELFIREWORKS Wow. VOBRM0. 27hCELEBRATE2. REJOICE VOFIREFESTIVALRAGNAROSFESTIVAL ITS THE FESTIVAL OF ME VOBRM0. PARTY2. PARTY LIKE ITS MIDSUMMERVOBRM0. HAPPYEVENT4. LIGHT THE FIRES OF CELEBRATION VOBRM0. FIREFESTIVAL4. ITS THE FESTIVAL OF ME TBFIREFESTFIRST Mini Rag gains attack when he incinerates a minion TBFIREFESTSECOND Well doneIncinerate as many as you can for a special reward Spot the Lethal Tavern Brawl. A new brawl has been spotted which appears to be solo puzzles Puzzle 1 Seems simple enough. Puzzle 2 Survival percentage is 3. Puzzle 3 BY PUZZLE BE PURGEDPuzzle 4 Beasts, Beasts and more Beasts Puzzle 5 Go Go MalygosPuzzle 6 Heal em to death Puzzle 7 An inspiration to totems everywhere Puzzle 8 A chilly challenge Puzzle 9 What This again Tag Team Brawl. Each class deck has a description. Druid Fierce Forest Fast and fierce, this deck hates weapons Hunter Spy Stalker The grandmaster of secrets. Mage Secret Magus Kabal, and the master of secrets. Paladin Mysterious e SCALE ation Fast secrets, and dragons. Priest Unbreakable Slow, but lots of Inspire minions. Rogue The Saint Fast spell deck. Loves weapons, and Yogg Saron. Shaman Totems Hate Secrets Blast away your opponents secrets Warlock Death Becomes Your Foes You love death and hate weapons. Warrior The Rock Use weapons to slowly pick apart your foe. At some point, you get to discover a new class and that hero takes position. Discover Next Class. New Hero A new Hero takes position. Theres also a special spell. Your Next Victim Comes Destroy all minions. Drain all Mana. Gain 5 Health. New Brawl Chalkboards Golden Hero Trays. New golden borders for all the alternate heroes New Art. Heres some new art that was in the client. Official Notes. In this Hearthstone update were adding some nifty features like Deck Importing, golden card stacking in decklists, allowing you to complete quests with friends all the time, and more. Were also fixing a few bugs and making small improvements to the user interface. This patch is now live on Desktop. Read on for details Deck Importing Its now possible to copy and import Hearthstone decklists Its fast and easy to share your decklist with friends, or try the latest decklist from your favorite streamer, pro, or fansite. Copy a deck by selecting the hero portrait at the top in your collection and pressing the copy button. Hearthstone knows when a valid decklist is copied, and youll be asked if you want to use it when you create a new deck. Quest with friends Most quests can now be completed during Friendly Challenges with players on your Friends list. Weve added the following card back The Magic of Dalaran Acquired by achieving Rank 2. Ranked Play in June. When viewing Pick a Replacement from a deck recipe or imported decklist, the ghosted card on the left now takes you directly to Crafting mode. It is now possible to refine searches in the Collection Manager with the Type and Rarity search tags. Error messages received when searching the Collection Manager are now more helpful. Modulo Disdetta Sky Decreto Bersani. Golden cards and non golden cards will now share the same slot in a decklist. Ranked wins for each hero will now tally beyond 5. Alternate Heroes, such as Maiev, will now have golden borders once 5. Class. You can now drag a golden card out of your Arena deck to de goldenize it. Deathwing and Bloodmage Thalnos have finally learned how to make an entrance. Some game boards will become exclusive to Wild, and recently released boards will become more common in Wild matches. Mobile It is now clearer and easier to cancel casting a spell in mobile user interfaces. No more Fireballs to the face Bug Fixes. Alarm o bots drawn by Far Sight no longer maintain their cost reduction when returned to your hand. Sherazin Corpse Flower no longer counts transform minions, such as Shellshifter, twice when dormant. Pyros now interacts correctly with effects like Spirit Echo and Getaway Kodo. Fixed an issue where Sergeant Sally would only deal 1 damage to enemies when interacting with Crystal Core and Spiritsinger Umbra is in play. Resolved several visual issues that could occur during play. Resolved an issue where players could become stuck spectating. Subtlety Rogue Pv. P Guide for Legion. Updated for Warlords of Draenor 6. Legion updates in progress Legion murdered a few abilities, moved others you no longer have poisons or bleeds, and added some new ones. Most of what you do is still intact though, so youll still be the sneaky backstabbing murder machine youve always been. Subtlety takes somewhat more skill to play than the others, which might well make it more interesting. Combat may, or may not, be the better spec in Legion Pv. P, but Subtlety is more challenging and fun. Given a couple of hot fixes andor a patch and it may well be better, too. Given that there are a few Sub Rogues in the top arena ranks Id say youre in a pretty good place right now. And there are more Sub. Rogues in those ranks than Combat. Now go out and murder something. Subtlety Rogue Pv. P Contents. Subtlety rogues present a combination of DPS and utility allowing them to do well in both Pv. P and Pv. E. In the DPS race an Assassination or Combat build might pump out more overall damage, due to easier rotations, but Subtlety can hold its own with a bit more work. Combat and Assassination have more consistent damage, and Combat has some crazy burst. Subtlety has more brutal openers and Shadow Dance, but the sustained damage isnt so hot. Note If youre still leveling then some aspects of this guide may not apply to your Sub. Rogue until higher level. If you are interested in getting your character to max level quickly, take a look at this leveling guide. Some Legion Notes Subtlety Pv. P Stats. Legion note Multistrike is dead, and so are Attuned stats. Gear isnt quite dead but its far less important than it used to be. IN any Pv. P situation stats and gear are normalized, which pretty much means that youre assigned a set of stats. Item level counts a little bit, but only about 11. If your item levelis 5. Legion Pv. P. Tertiary stats Avoidance, Leech, gems sockets, etc. Pv. E gear. Your Priorities Agility Attack Power Mastery Versatility Crit Haste sourceAgility is your primary damage and remember that you get bonuses from Sinister Calling and Leather. Its much better than any of the other stats, so in the rare case where the question is Should I go for Agility or this other stat go Agility. In Warlords that Question will rarely come up. Attack Power is pretty uncommon on gear, esp. If you can find it then grab it. You might occasionally see it on lower level gear. Mastery adds to the effectiveness of all of your finishing strikes except Recuperate. Even with the small 6. Eviscerates buffed in 6. Rupture and Slice Dice. Versatility is an add to all of your damage, your healing, and your damage reduction. A nice stat since it improves pretty much everything you do. Crit causes your critical strikes to do 1. Pv. E its 2. 00. Haste isnt all bad, its just that the other stats are better and it doesnt scale well. It speeds up your cooldowns, energy regen, and so on. Reforging Stacking Stats. The way to stack stats will be through gear choice and enchants. Reforging is dead, gems are not available on Pv. P gear, and enchants only deal with secondary stats and are only for your Neck, Rings, Back, and Weapons. Subtlety Talents For Pv. PTalents can be swapped just like glyphs and for the same cost, so experiment a bit. This build improves utility, survivability, and mobility. None of the talents are bad, though they may be situational, and some choices are a bit tough, such as in row 4. Patch 6. 2 brings no real changes here. Deadly Throw no longer interrupts and Shuriken toss does a bit more damage. Thats about it. Keep in mind that you can switch talents of the fly, all you need is a Tome of the Clear Mind if 8. Your trainer, of course, can wipe the whole set for you. Why switch Duels, 2s, 3s, 5s, BGs, and world Pv. P are all a bit different and then class A will require different tactics than class B. Glyphs below the talents are chosen to be most generally useful, though certain others might have situational use. Subtlety Glyphs for Pv. PGlyphs are basically dead in Legion. There are a few minor glyphs that are entirely cosmetic and which have no combat value. As you level your Rogue you will automatically learn certain glyphs, just as you do talents and abilities. The rest of the glyphs will still be available on the Auction House. Here are the glyphs that your Rogue will be automatically learning Level 2. Deadly Momentum and Stealth,Level 5. Recuperatelevel 7. Ambush and Cheap Shot. Note that no minor glyphs will be automatically learned. Exclusive glyphs are groups of glyphs that do not function together. For example, the glyphs of energy, evasion, and elusiveness. You can only use one of these at a time, though you can swap them as necessary. Major Glyphs. The first three are recommended, though the others certainly have their uses. Glyph of Blind About as mandatory as any Rogue glyph. Your blind removes all Damage over Time effects from the target, even those left by your team. Makes Blind a lot more reliable. Glyph of Garrote Also strongly recommended. Increases the silence duration by 1 second. Glyph of Feint Increases your Feint duration by 2 seconds. With your Elusiveness talent this can give you a lot of extra damage reduction. Glyph of Cloak of Shadows Now take 4. Artcut 2009 Usb Driver. Glyph of Hemorrhaging Veins Your Sanguinary vein ability now applies to Hemo damage. Lets you skip using Rupture in your rotation as you now have a default bleed. Glyph of Smoke Bomb, for those times when you need that extra 2 second duration on your Smoke Bomb. Glyph of Elusiveness for more evasions. Does this make you more like a politicianGlyph of Energy for 2. Glyph of Energy Flows Each evasion dodge gives you 1. Glyph of Cheap Shot Increases CS duration by. Prey on the Weak and Nerve Strike talents. With the short duration change one can argue that this glyphs isnt worth the effort. Gyph of Recovery While your Recuperate is running you receive 2. A nice match with Glyph of Feint if youre being constantly pressured. Glyph of Shiv Reduces the cooldown, for more Shivs. Minor Glyphs. Glyph of Poisons Change poisons faster. Glyph of Safe Fall Increases falling distance. Glyph of Blurred Speed Running on water has some occasional use. Glyph of Decoy Might make your Vanish a bit more interesting. Subtlety Rogue abilities. These are the abilities specific to Subtlety Rogues. Note that Slice and Dice in now an Outlaw talent. Recuperate is replaced by Crimson Vial, which is better anyway. Dead abilities are crossed out, and youll note some new abilities. Hemorrhage Assassination stole this ability and its a talent of theirs. Master of Subtlety P more damage when attacking from stealth. Eviscerate Hard hitting finisher. Shuriken Toss 1. Throw your shuriken. Shadowstep 1. 3 Teleport behind your target and gain 2 seconds of increased speed. The target does not need to be hostile. No longer a talent. Sinister Calling P increases total agility by 1. Multistrike from all sources. Energetic Recovery P Slice and Dice for faster energy recovery. Find Weakness P openers bypass 1. Premeditation P adds 2 combo points to target before attack. Shadowstrike 2. 2 Shadowstep and strike, all in one. Backstab requires man hand dagger, now does more damage when behind or alongside the target. Shadow Techniques 2. Passive Your auto attacks might generate a CP. Symbols of Death 3.