Samsung Remote Server Client Connection
Technical Documentation SAMSUNG Developers. Introduction. Instant messaging IM communication is done through the use Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol XMPP also known as Jabber, an open standard XML based messaging communication protocol. Most IM Clients use the XMPP protocol for communication. Google is one of the clients that use XMPP for its Google Talk Product. There are various third party libraries available for developing Instant Messaging client applications. One of the most popular XMPP client libraries is Smack API, which is a pure Java Library which allows developers to create IM Clients. Following is a walkthrough of building a simple chat application using the Smack API. Find out how to use and troubleshoot your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with interactive simulators, howto guides and support videos. Before starting to develop and explore some of the features of Smack API, developers are requested to go through the technical documentation and API documentation of Smack API 3. Smack. APIThe Smack API is a pure Java Library. The asmack third party library has heavily patched the Smack API to work with Android. For more information, visit the Smack API community thread. Libraries are available under the following section Download the asmack library jar file with naming convention asmack lt date. Add it to your project lib folder. The sample chat application does the following Connects to a GTalk Server. Logs into GTalk Server. K1KyO6Jth_FQmXhtBSyqIv4ZyOkdLTH-gyr1DvbFAHnXkQILPhoOUQZ1W9E7QWDdo9o=h900' alt='Samsung Remote Server Client Connection' title='Samsung Remote Server Client Connection' />Sets user Presence. Gets Rosters. Sends Messages. Receives Messages. Connecting to a Server. In this document, Google Talk Server is used for the development of sample chat app. Connecting to XMPP server requires knowing of configuration parameters set by XMPP Server. Following are the required configuration parameters for connecting to GTalk Server public static final String HOST talk. PORT 5. 22. 2. public static final String SERVICE gmail. Code 1For more information on configuration parameters, visit GTalk Developers site. Following code snippet shows how to use the Smack API for connecting to XMPP Server. Connection. Configuration conn. Config new Connection. ConfigurationHOST, PORT, SERVICE. XMPPConnection connection new XMPPConnectionconn. Config. connection. Downloads Remote Help Desk support across the WWAN and Wireless LAN with Avalanche Remote Control. Star - 560. XMPPException ex. Code 2The XMPPConnection class is used to create the connection to the XMPP server specified by the Connection. Configuration class, which uses configuration parameters for establishing connection with the server. To disconnect, use the disconnect method. Login to a Server. KsyWX3QxZwCkJzduv1znZqFqpDKUVvs8L4wzstZWXwq0vcmkVgVzilkFdwaqC7ovw=h900' alt='Samsung Remote Server Client Connection' title='Samsung Remote Server Client Connection' />Once a connection is established, the user should log in with username and password using the login method of the Connection class. Following code snippet shows how to login. USERNAME, PASSWORD. Code 3Once logged in, user can start using chat features Chat or Group. Chats, Set Presence, Get Rosters etc. Setting user Presence. After logging in, the user might set his or her presence availability status visible to other recipients Rosters present in the chat list. The following code shows how to set the presence. The Presence object is created with a status set to type unavailable. This presence status is later send as packet using the Connection classs send. Packet method. Presence presence new PresencePresence. Type. unavailable. StatusIm unavailable. Packetpresence Code 4Getting Roster. The Roster class does the following. Keeps track of the availability presence of other users. Allows users to be organized into groups such as Friends and Co workers Finds all roster entries and groups they belong to. Retrieves the presence status of each user. Retrieving the roster is done using the Connection. Roster method. Roster roster connection. Roster. Collectionlt Roster. Entry entries roster. Entries. for Roster. Entry entry entries. Presence entry. Presence roster. Presenceentry. get. User. Presence. Type user. Type entry. Presence. Type. Presence. Mode mode entry. Presence. get. Mode. String status entry. Presence. get. Status. Code 5The previous code provides the status of users at a given point in time, but to obtain users Presence in real time, Roster. Listener interface is used. The Callback methods are called whenever there is change in roster or change in the presence of users in the roster. Roster. Listenernew Roster. Listener. public void presence. ChangedPresence presence. UpdatedCollectionlt String arg. DeletedCollectionlt String arg. AddedCollectionlt String arg. Code 6Sending Messages. Messages can be sent in one of two ways In the form of packets using XMPPConnection send. PacketMessage msg method. As a string of Chat Messages using the Chat class. The Chat is a series of messages exchange between two or more users. Following code snippet shows how to send Message using send. Packet method of XMPPConnection. Message msg new MessageString to, Message. Type type. msg. set. BodyHow are you. Packetmsg Code 7The chat class is a convenient way to send messages. The following code snippet shows how to send message using Chat class. Chat. Manager chatmanager connection. Chat. Manager. Chat new. Chat chatmanager. Chatabcgmail. com, new Message. Listener. public void process. MessageChat chat, Message message. Message out. Msg new Messagemessage. Body. new. Chat. Messageout. Msg. XMPPException e. Chat. send. MessageHow are you. XMPPException e. Code 8The Chat. Manager instance is obtained from XMPPConnection using the get. Chat. Manager method. Chat. Manager keeps track on all current chats. Chat is created which will now be series of messages exchanged between two users. The send. MessageString msg or send. MessageMessage msg method is used for sending text messages or message object in the context of a given chat session. Moreover, Message. Listener can be used to get callbacks of notification of Message from other users on chat. Receiving Messages. Receiving messages from other user is done using Poll mechanism provided through the use of the Packet. Collector class. Asynchronous mechanism through the use of the Packet. Listener RecommendedThe following code snippet shows an asynchronous way of listening to incoming messages using Packet. Listener. Packet. Filter filter new Message. Type. FilterMessage. Type. chat. connection. Packet. Listenernew Packet. Listener. public void process. PacketPacket packet. Message message Message packet. String body message. Body. String from message. From., filter Code 9Sample Example. Here an example consists of List. View to display the chat conversation between two users. It has by default set values of Google talk XMPP parameters. Remember to add the jar file into your project lib folder and Internet permission in manifest file. The example is using the asmack library patched version made for Android. Linear. Layout xmlns androidhttp schemas. Linear. Layout. xmlns androidhttp schemas. Text. View. android layoutwidthwrapcontentandroid layoutheightwrapcontentandroid min. Width7. 0dpandroid textChat Withandroid text. Stylebold. Edit. Text. ETandroid layoutwidthwrapcontentandroid layoutheightwrapcontentandroid hintAdd Recipientandroid min. Width2. 50dpandroid scroll. Horizontallytrueandroid single. Iphoto 11 Utorrent Games more. Linetrueandroid text. Size1. 6sp. Linear. Layout. Messagesandroid layoutwidthwrapcontentandroid layoutheightwrapcontentandroid layoutweight1android scrollbarshorizontal. Linear. Layout. android ididlinear. How To Install A Breadboard Arduino.